Lids Co-Founder Becomes Partner in Codefi
March 1, 2017
What started a little over two years ago with a small group of local entrepreneurs and technology enthusiasts, has emerged as one of the fastest growing business centers in the Midwest. Codefi announced today that entrepreneur, Glenn Campbell, has joined its ownership team.
"I am excited to join Codefi," said Lids Co-Founder Glenn Campbell. "I've known Dr. Stapleton for many years and watched the development of the idea - this Big City thinking coming to Cape Girardeau. My only regret is not getting on board from the beginning, but when offered the chance to join the Codefi team and be more involved in the Marquette Tech District, I jumped on it. I've always been an entrepreneur at heart and am excited to have a chance to work with local business innovators and entrepreneurs. Hopefully I can help some of the folks here avoid some mistakes I've made and seen."
In just two years, Codefi's business center has grown from its humble beginnings to over 150 members from 72 companies, occupying nearly 13,000 square feet. The 28 private offices on the 5th and 6th floors of Marquette Tower are 100% occupied, so Codefi recently announced plans to provide additional offices on the 4th floor. Codefi has also supported the development of 23 technology-focused startups that have created over 50 jobs. These companies attracted over $1.7 million in private investments.
"The partners at Codefi are very pleased to have Glenn join our team," said co-founder, Dr. James Stapleton. "Glenn is one of those entrepreneurs that has a giant passion for helping others. Our team and the growing number of companies that call Codefi home will benefit greatly from Glenn's expertise and inspiration. The commitment of an entrepreneur of Glenn's quality speaks volumes of Codefi's continued growth and for our future."
"Codefi is challenging the idea of traditional office space," Stapleton added. "An office with four walls and a window won't do at Codefi - emerging companies need more. We provide access to four amazing, high-tech conference rooms, Gigabit internet, incredible shared workspace, and a full kitchen with coffee, snacks, and beer on tap. But more than the space, our most important intangible benefit is our coworking network which provides inspiration, expertise, and talent to our members."